The FROG @ease In-Line System with SmartChlor® Technology automatically maintains clean water with pre-filled cartridges to eliminate the guesswork and combine chlorine and minerals for self-regulating sanitization. Chemical odors are minimized, while minerals condition the water for a softer feel.

How It Works
The @ease SmartChlor and Mineral cartridges fit out of sight and chlorine is released slowly to maintain more consistent levels. Simply set the dial on the cartridges and insert them into the spa.
Available Cartridges
Chlorine cartridges last up to four weeks; mineral cartridges last up to four months. FROG Serene (TM) bromine and mineral cartridges are available for those who prefer an alternative to chlorine.

Top 5 Hot Tub Buying Mistakes & How to Avoid Them
Hot tubs are an investment in your health, happiness, and recreation. Coming from the experts, there is a lot to know about hot tubs. Look at our guide to learn what it is that you should avoid when considering a hot tub!
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